Looking Back and Moving Forward

The 2023-24 season marked New Works' 30th Anniversary, a significant milestone in our journey. In celebration of this special season, we gathered the community to profile 30 individuals who have shaped New Works over the past three decades. This project took us deep into our organizational archives, uncovering print materials, slides, VHS tapes, polaroid photos, and more, creating a space for rich and collaborative documentation.

As we look ahead, we remain committed to fostering a vibrant and diverse dance community. Building on the foundation of the past 30 years, we continue to provide opportunities for artists and audiences to connect, grow, and thrive. Our mission remains to support equity-seeking artists, offer accessible programming, and create a home for dance in our community.

Join us as we embark on the next chapter of New Works. Your support and involvement are crucial as we continue to innovate and expand our programs, ensuring that dance remains a powerful force for community building and artistic excellence.

Ripple Effects: 30 Years of New Works

A visual exhibition presented with support from The Dance Centre and Dance Collection Danse

October 21 - December 18, 2023 | Opening Reception: October 21, 5pm - 7pm
Open Daily from 10am to 6pm | Scotiabank Dance Centre Lobby, 677 Davie Street, Vancouver | Free

Or visit the online exhibition hosted by Dance Collection Danse, which will go live on November 18. 

Project Team

VIVIEN DANG Project Coordinator / Lead Researcher
RACHEL MADDOCK Writer / Editor
KYRA WITTKOPF Designer / Layout
JASON DUBOIS Project Manager
CHARLOTTE NEWMAN Project Advisor / Copy Editor
DANIELA VEGA Assistant Exhibition Coordinator
AMY BOWRING (Dance Collection Danse) Project Advisor / Digital Exhibition Lead
BARB CLAUSEN Project Advisor / Historian / New Works Founder
RAQUEL ALVARO (The Dance Centre) Exhibition Host / Scotiabank Dance Centre Liaison

New Works 30th Anniversary Celebration Committee
Amber Barton, Barb Clausen, Jason Dubois, Andrea Hébert,
Charlotte Newman, Brad Trenaman, Beverly Walker

Special Thanks to: Maureen Allen, Joshua Beamish, Dawn Briscoe, Sharon Bayly, Urs Boxler, Beth Carter, Ralph Escamillan, Marco Esccer, Francesca Fung, Vanessa Issa, Marietta Kozak, Chandra Krown, Hanne Lene Dalgleish, Charlotte Leonard, Pamela Tagle, Emma Metcalfe Hurst, Clare Asquith Finegan, Hilary Maxwell, Sierra Megas, Jean Orr, Vancouver Ballet Society, Jane Welsh, Alex Waterhouse-Hayward.

Top photo by Carla Alcántara